Welcome to the Program for Attention, Learning, and Memory (PALM)
The Program for Attention, Learning, and Memory (PALM) is dedicated to positively impacting the lives of children and families struggling with ADHD. This is accomplished by two overarching research arms.
- The first arm of our program is focused on advancing our understanding of neurocognitive deficits (e.g., attention, memory) in children with ADHD. Specifically, we examine how deficits in areas of neurocognition interact to adversely impact core areas of functioning (e.g., attention problems, learning). Developments in this area will lead to an improved understanding of potential causes of many of the difficulties experienced by children with ADHD as well as novel treatment targets.
- The second arm of our program is focused on examining how a better understanding of neurocognition in individuals with ADHD might be used to improve already existing treatments as well as develop novel treatments targeted at improving underlying neurocognitive dysfunction. Our ultimate hope is that developments in these areas will lead to sustained improvements in functioning for individuals and families dealing with ADHD, particularly as they relate to learning outcomes.

Congratulations to Morgan!
The Program for Attention, Learning, and Memory (PALM) is pleased to announced that doctoral student, Morgan Jusko, was this year's recipient of the Department of Psychology Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Teaching! This was the 1st year of these annual...
PALM Graduate Student Funded by NIMH!
Congratulations to PALM graduate student, Jessica Smith, on her recently awarded F31 from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) titled "Transdiagnostic Mechanisms of Youth Externalizing Psychopathology from Childhood to Adolescence: A Longitudinal...
Congratulations Morgan!
The Program for Attention, Learning, and Memory (PALM) would like to congratulate graduate student, Morgan Jusko, on her recently published manuscript titled, "Brief report: Evaluation of working memory deficits in children with ADHD using the NIH list sorting working...